Missing Dynamics & adding ties with brackets

• Oct 31, 2016 - 22:11

2 questions
1) I can't seem to find in the dynamics palette sp (subito piano) , is there a replacement for it?

2) I would like to add a tie from a quaver note to a half note but the half note need to be (♭) {flat with brackets}, when I try to combine them with adding brackets to the ♭ the tie is broken. any help please?




You can add any dynamic you like - choose the closest from the palette in terms of the desired playback effect then simply edit the text.

Normally you do *not* include accidentals on the end of a tie, but if you wish to do so anyhow (it is common if there is a line break involved for instance) you can add an accidental from the Symbols palette (press "Z" to display). For a future release we hope to allow this more directly.

In reply to by Yigal Ætérnum

Indeed, sf means sforzando, not subito forte. Subito forte is normally written out more fully, eg "sub. F". Same with "sub. p". And as I explained, you can enter this by first adding an "F" or "p" then editing the text to say "sub." First. "sp" is not a standard dynamic marking and probably would not be understood by anyone to mean "subito piano", but again, if you want to use a nonstandard marking, simply add a standard one then edit it.

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