Bar Width

• Dec 7, 2016 - 13:00


I am having trouble with resizing a bar (measure). My composition is all presented in one file into which I have inserted system breaks in order to separate it off into movements, but a result of this is that the final bar before the break is stretched out, making one fill out a whole line. Is there are way to resize this bar so it is not filling up the whole line?

Regards to those who have a solution, and those who do not!


Do you really want to keep it with only a single bar on the last system? Wouldn't it be more advisable to change where the line breaks are so this doesn't happen?

But if you do want to keep that last measure by itself for some reason, just add a horizontal frame after the measure and size it as desired. Note if you've already added a break to the last measure, you'll need to remove that first, then insert the frame (before the first measure of the next movement), then add the break to the frame.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank-you, firstly for your prompt reply. Well, when I inserted my system break at the end of the movement to section it off from the next, and added a text frame to put in the next movement's title, it moved the start of the next movement to the top of the following page. This caused the previous movement's last bar to enlarge itself to fill out the whole of the line at the end of the previous page. Now, when I try to insert a horizontal frame (which I have done by selecting 'insert horizontal frame' on the first bar of the next movement) it appears on that next page as well, and doesn't actually allow me to reduce the width of the previous movement's last bar (sorry if I'm sounding a bit convoluted).

Is this an alright explanation?
Thanks if you can come up with a solution.

In reply to by nayrtahb62

Please share the score, so we can have a look and a try to get this done

I believe applying the section break to the horizontal frame after that single last measure (rather than to that measure) should do the trick.
Reason being that a section break is always also a system break

OK, just as I thought, see attached.

Instead of the text frame you might have used a vertical frame, with title text and all the rest.

Attachment Size
Clarinet & Violin score section.mscz 23.61 KB

In reply to by nayrtahb62

Now that the next movement starts with a text frame, you need to insert the horizontal frame before that, and then add the break. And you need to remove the existing break on the last measure - you don't want to break after the last measure, you want to break after the horizontal frame.

So, to fix your score:

1) remove exisiting section break (click, rest delete)
2) insert horizontal frame before the text frame (click text frame, add / frames / insert horizontal frame
3) add break to the horizontal frame (click frame, double click section break icon in palette)

You can then resize the horizontal frame as you see fit.

As I mentioned originally, though, I would also suggest considering changing where the breaks fall so you don't have a single measure all by itself in the first place. For example, with your score in its original state, Ctrl+A to select all, then press "{" (or Layout / Decrease Stretch), which compresses things enough that the first movement needs only three systems instead of four.

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