Help me . . . hel-l-l-l-p me-e-e-e-e . . .

• Dec 21, 2016 - 06:12

MuseScore is not liking my piece (clowns and carousels), and I have no way to edit it.

I can't download MuseScore2 because I'm using XP.

It also says "fix issues" when I can't upload the score.

What'n do? Clowns and Carousels.mscz Clowns and Carousels.mscz


In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks very much! My version of Musescore can't open it, but I'll see if I can post it.

It kinda sorta works on my computer, but has lots of issues. Plus I can't upgrade. MuseScore2 won't run at all.

I really should break down and buy a new computer . . .

In reply to by gsmonks

"It kinda sorta works on my computer, but has lots of issues"
What sort of issues, by trying to be precise for each one?

"I can't upgrade. MuseScore2 won't run at all."
Have you try the portable versions?…

"and buy a new computer . . ."
Maybe a good idea for Chritmas! :)

EDIT: What version of MuseScore do you use currently? Your first attached file opens normally with the 1.3 version. This one: Clowns and Carousels.mscz So, where is the problem exactly?

In reply to by cadiz1

It opens with 1.3, because that doesn't report corruptions, but and MuseScore 2.0 do.

Measure 246 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 9/8; Found: 0/1
Measure 247 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 9/8; Found: 0/1
Measure 248 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 9/8; Found: 0/1
Measure 249 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 9/8; Found: 0/1
Measure 250 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 9/8; Found: 0/1
Measure 251 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 9/8; Found: 0/1

In reply to by cadiz1

It's an old version. The version I have seems to be read-only. If there are any editing features, I can't find them.

Portable versions? As in thumb-zombie gadgets? I don't have so much as a cell phone.

When I try to upload most of my files, I get a big red square block of corrupt file gibberish. I'm not exactly computer-savvy, so trying to make sense of it is a non-starter.

In reply to by gsmonks

What is an old version and what is read-only?
MuseScore 1.3 is indeed old, but for sure not read-only

The portable version of 2.x won't help you much, if you can't get the non-portable 2.0 running, if that is because your computer is too old to support SSE2.
They don't have anything to do with a cell phone, you can install them on a USB thumb drive, plug them into any computer running Windows and run MuseScore there.

For the cell phone , if it is running Androoid or iOS, there are apps, a player (free, needs access to and the songbook (costs a small fee, but additionally can access files stored on your device or somewhere other than on, these indeed are read-only. uses the rendering engine of MuseScore 2.x, so it does detect corruptions. MuseScore 1.x didn't detect those. prevents the upload of corrupte scores, MuseScore 2.0 reports them and lets you load them anyway, to be able to fix them.

In reply to by gsmonks

Here's the file repaired with MuseScore 1.3
I just selected the corrupt measures 246-251 in staff 2 and used the 'Exchange voice 1 and 2', this reinstated the missing full measure rests in those measures.

You may try the (unsupported) MuseScore 2 without SSE2, in case this is the reason you can't get the 'normal' 2.0 to work on your computer, see

And BTW, MuseScore does not support Windows XP (nor Vista) anymore, just like Microsoft doesn't Support them anymopre, but it still runs on those OSs.

Attachment Size
Clowns and Carousels.mscz 10.9 KB

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