Adding ossia as first system has unfortunate effects.

• Jan 13, 2017 - 18:15

When an ossia is added as the first system and then that system is made small, there are impacts on those elements that are attached to the score as system elements - they are also made small.

Examples include Rehearsal marks, signes, coda marks, voltas etc.

In addition it seems that not all elements throughout the score are effected.


In my testing I discovered that if you go to text styles and uncheck follow "Staff space" setting then the system markings revert to normal size. When I unchecked this on the coda all the references to it were fixed. When I changed one rehearsal mark they all reverted to expected. If you go to a single part and make this change, it will give you the option to apply it to all parts.

Perhaps MuseScore should be made smarter by having it uncheck this option on small staffs, or possibly even small staffs if they are the first staff (in the part or score). That's a tough call in my opinion because other people will wonder why it doesn't work the other way. Why are the huge rehearsal marks on my miniature staff?

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