Tuplets incorrectly reported to cross measures

• Jan 17, 2017 - 15:21

When entering certain tuplets, MS believes that they cross measure lines. When entered they display properly and play back properly. The problem becomes evident if you attempt to copy them.

To duplicate the attached file and error:

New Score in 4/4 time
Add any instrument (I initially found this on the harp)
make the first beat of a measure a 1/4 rest
make beats 2-4 a dotted 1/2 rest.
select the dotted 1/2 rest and change it to a tuplet
click Notes|Tuplets|Other...
change ratio to 16/12
click "OK"

Enter notes in the tuplet (I used 16th notes of course and filled it up)
copy the entire tuplet
paste to first beat of any other measure
Error "Tuplet cannot cross barlines"

Attachment Size
tuplet bug.mscz 4.28 KB

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