Save Template Not Working
I have read the previous discussions and suggestions.
I have a created a score that I want to save as a template for further use. With it open, I click Save As, then navigate to the MuseScore/Templates ;folder, give the file a name and then click Save. Exit MuseScore and restart.
When I go to start a new score, the saved template is there in the opening dialogue page but it's just a copy of the score that I saved from. It's not a blank template.
What am I missing? Thank you.
You need to add it to the user templates, not the system templates. Here's the handbook page
In reply to You need to add it to the by mike320
I didn't put it in the system templates. It's in my Linux folder:
In reply to I didn't put it in the system by juniorjet
In the Edit Menu, select Preferences and the General tab and ensure the folder for templates is correct.
If it's showing up as a template you can choose, then it's in the right folder. Ignore the thumbnail image showing the filled-in score; click on it and continue, and you'll find a blank score is created from it.
In reply to If it's showing up as a by Isaac Weiss
You are correct. In the drop down menu from File, I was mixing up and confusing New with Open.
When I click New I do get a blank template with the styles I had saved as a template.
Thanks for the help. Sorry for the dumb oversight.
In reply to You are correct. In the drop by juniorjet
sorry for misunderstanding the problem.
In reply to You are correct. In the drop by juniorjet
No problem. Glad you figured it out!