Musescore Scores

• Jan 20, 2017 - 03:13

Please help. Oh my gosh. My computer crashed and it deleted this 9 and a 1/2 minute long piece I was working on. It was called Shaman. Or it was called Show 2016. Or Pride of Owasso 2016. It deleted it and I desperately need it back. Please please please help. This is the only issue I've had with MuseScore. My email is


In reply to by Shoichi

Here is a link to showing hidden files.…

If it windows 10, then open file explorer and under the view tab check the box next to "Hidden items" You can then right click the file you want, select properties and uncheck the hidden option. I would recommend you COPY the file to your Scores folder before renaming, unhiding etc it in case you make a tragic mistake with it.

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