Laggy Action

• Jan 14, 2017 - 21:49

I am running Musescore, revision 6347ed6 on OS 10.11.6.
The software becomes incredibly laggy and difficult to work with after about 10 minutes, sometimes sooner. Editing text, adding notes, anything. Mouse movement sometimes becomes laggy. Musescore uses only 10-15% of the CPU time.


My guess is you have the Navigator window enabled and it is sized to that it is right on the edge of being able to fit all pages on screen within a scrollbar. If that's the case, change the size to make it more clearly one or the other.

If not, then perhaps it is something specific to the score you are working on. Please attach it, and - if possible - gives steps to reproduce the problem.

In reply to by skimilk

So, to be clear:

1) start MuseScore
2) enter one single notes into My First Score
3) wait ten minutes
4) check CPU usage

and it goes up to 15%? Could be some sort of hardware or driver incompatibility I guess. Have you checked the "Known incompatibilities" section of the Handbook?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry, I wasn't clear.
After generally using Musescore for 10-15 minutes, note input and other changes begin to slow down drastically. Processor utilization is always at 15% or so from the get go, and it uses 0.5-2GB of RAM out of 16GB depending on the size of score.
I know it's not an incompatibility.

In reply to by skimilk

10-15% CPU usage right from the very beginnjng is very much not normal. Should be close.ton0. What makes you so sure there is no incompatibility? That seems the most likely explanation thus far to me based on the available evidence.

Again, if you can share a sample score and more precise steps to reproduce a problem, then we could investigate other possibilities.

The problem is clearly with Navigator. When it's not running everything is fine. When it's there, note entry with a mouse is impossible. Even clicking on an icon is slow to respond. It wasn't that way before I accepted the upgrade to the current version 2.0.3 rev 3c7a69d. I'm seriously thinking about going back to what works because this doesn't and Navigator is a very useful function (when it works).

As Fredrick sang to Mabel "I would if I could but I am not able". Tell me how to resize the Navigator and I'll be happy to do it. Thanks in advance for the help

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