Help, tempo, no Molto Grazioso in the tempo list?

• Dec 3, 2012 - 11:23

I am an absolute beginner in music, and just started to learn to read sheet music on my own.
While copying For Elise into MuseScore, as an exercise, I found no 'Molto Grazioso' in the list of tempo names available in MuseScore. Does it go by another name? Is there any way to add in a tempo name? Or I just use a tempo name with the same BMP, and rename the tempo by adding text into the score?

Help please.


Also, in general, keep in mind that "molto grazioso" is not any sort of "official" tempo marking. Composers and editors make up their own all the time, and it would be impossible to provide a list of every tempo marking a composer might possibly want. So t MuseScore provides a list of the more common ones, and the ability to edit them to create your own, and to change the actual meaning (in bmp) of any of them, since that isn't standardized either.

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