Reducing quartet score into a piano part

• Apr 17, 2017 - 22:23

Hi everyone! I have a musescore part written out in four voices for a string quartet. I'd like to reduce this to a piano part (two voices in the left hand, two in the right). Is there an easy way of doing this??
Many thanks!


The easiest way is to create your piano score in another file. Select both the violin parts then use the Edit|tools|implode tool. This will put both violins on violin 1's line and selected. Copy all of this to the piano right hand part. Then select both the viola and cello parts and use the same tool and copy them to the piano left hand part. You can then close the quartet without saving it to avoid having this become permanent in you quartet.

Easiest way to select 2 lines of music - select first measure in one line, shift click measure in other line*, press ctrl-shift-end both line will be selected.

*lines must be consecutive with no instruments including invisible instruments between them.

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