Rests appear in Drum Score

• Apr 23, 2017 - 01:24

When writing drum scores, on some bars a rest symbol appears on the Hi Hat stave after I enter the first beat. It modifies as usual if I add cymbals, but if there are no cymbals on the bar it stays. On other bars with no cymbals it doesn't appear at all.

Can anyone tell me why it appears or how to get rid of it?

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It appears you have entered notes into voices other than what you presumably meant. Check out the sections of the Handbook on Voices and also on Drum notation to leanr more about how drum notation works.

BTW, note in your picture, measures 1 and 2 are notated incorrectly as well - the correct way to notate this would be to have two separate voices, with the top voice going rest note rest note, the bottom voice going note rest note rest.

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