How to enter Diminished symbol in chord text
Hi everyone,
I'm a novice to the program so sorry if this is really dumb question. I have tried looking through loads of threads on chord symbols but I can't find out how to get a say, C#dim7 to be written with a 'o' sign instead of 'dim. I've looked at threads to do with 'XML' styles and loads to do with triangle symbols for Maj chords but nothing that tells me how to put these symbols I being stupid? :D I will continue looking and try figure it but in case of continued dumbness can anyone help me? :)
I've just read that When entering chords through ctrl K the symbols should change when you press 'space' to next note...but that doesn't seem to work
Hey, Steve!
Press Z to see the window MuseScore: Symbols; there is an harmonics sign there (a ring) that might do.
In reply to Z for symbols by Magnus Johansson
Hello Magnus!
Cheers for the reply :) Yeh I had a look at those but can't get those to fit in the Chord symbol, if I put a space between the C# and the 7 ( C# 7 ) for me to insert the circle it closes up when I exit the text box. In the examples of lead sheets in muse I've seen these symbols for dim and triangles for maj, I just can't figure it out... :/
This is one for MArc Sabatella who designed the chord definitione files.
I'll leave it for him to explain as I don't fully understand it myself, although I do know it depends on which chord definition file you have loaded.
In reply to This is one for MArc by ChurchOrganist
Ah, ok, thanking you muchly :)
In reply to Ah, ok, thanking you muchly by Steve Johns
....eeeyeeah...Closed it opened it after selectin the jazz font and all the 'dim's (and other abbreviations) had turned to their symbols!! :D ha wish I tried that hours ago!
cheers guys... I'm ok now :)
Great program!! AND it's FREEEE!! which as a skint music student is bloody marvelous! ;)
See Chord name in the Handbook. Basically, there is a Style file that controls how chord are entered and rendered. Some of the styles use "dim", some use "o". You have to be using a style file that expects "o" for diminished chords. Similarly, for major chords, some styles use "ma", others "maj", others triangle. Since you mention triangles, I assume that's what you want. So that means you want to select cchords_sym. Then enter "ma" (the closest thing there is to a standard abbreviation for major) to specify you want major, and it will automatically display as a triangle. You can also edit the style file if you'd like to customize what you type to get the triangle, or change any other aspect of chord symbols.
In reply to See Chord name in the by Marc Sabatella
Cheers Marc. :) It was the Diminished symbol I was after but is good to know how to get them all :)
Is that in 'Style menu then-load style' ? The choices I have are - Jazz_lead_sheet.mss, Leadsheet.mss and Musejazz.mss. Not sure where the cchords_sym choice is, but I will study the Chord name in the handbook tomorrow, Just realised how late it is and how tired I am all of a sudden. Time flies when you're having fun! :)
Cheers Guys
In reply to Marvelous, Cheers Marc. :) It by Steve Johns
You must be using a very old version of MuseScore. The "cchords" files were added over a year ago :-)
BTW, once you update MuseScore to the current version, see also my lead sheet tutorials -
In reply to You must be using a very old by Marc Sabatella
Ah ok, Cheers :) I only downloaded it about a month ago but didn't realise if I chose an old version, been looking to find out which version it is that I have but I still don't know... errm...ha
ok, when I finish the current projects I will look to upgrade and check out your tutorials. version 1.2?
Anyhoo for now,, thank you loads for your replies.
In reply to Ah ok, Cheers :) I only by Steve Johns
1.2 is much older than a month, so where did you download an older version from?
In reply to 1.2 is much older than a by Jojo-Schmitz
here I think -
What is the newest version?
In reply to here I think - by Steve Johns
In reply to here I think - by Steve Johns
1.2 is the current version, but if you don't see cchords_sym et al in your styles folder, then you must have a much odler version - 1.0 or earier, from one from a year and a half ago at least, I think. Can you check what version you have installed, and are you sure there are no cchords files in your styles folder?
In reply to 1.2 is the current version, by Marc Sabatella
I've been looking to find which version I have. Finally looked at - Help - online handbook, and it shows a screen shot of 0.9 download so....
I will update when I've extracted my current work :)
In reply to I've been looking to find by Steve Johns
The version of the handbook is completly irrelevant. As with almost any program oin the entire planet, you'd find the version in "Menu / Help / About <'Programname>"
In reply to The version of the handbook by Jojo-Schmitz
:) got it. 1.2 it is.
As it's pretty obvious I don't really know where to look for things :D ...was I looking in the right place for cchords? - Style menu - Load style.
Again, sorry to be annoying about this...
In reply to :) got it. 1.2 it is. As by Steve Johns
No, see
In reply to No, see by Jojo-Schmitz
ah ha! right I have it! sorry mate. and cheers for spoon feeding me... ha I'm such a novice! :)
...and I know I the handbook, I've just had so much on the last 2 weeks with Uni, I have books poring off my desk I need to thank you for your help. Nice one
In reply to See Chord name in the by Marc Sabatella
I have configured my system to use cchords_sym.xml and am now getting the triangle and the small o for diminished. However, I still cannot get the slash o to appear for half-diminished chords. Can anyone please assist me? Thank you!
In reply to Still not getting half dim symbol in ver. 1.3 by von T
See Musescore menu item: Plugins / Lead Sheet / Create Chord Chart / cchords_sym.xml
Double click on any chord showing the slash o and the 'QWERTY' keyboard spelling will appear.
In reply to Slash o by Jm6stringer
Thank you much! That cleared it up for me!
In reply to Jmstringer, Thank you much! by von T
FYI, for 2.0 all the stuff about different chord description files for different styles will go away. You will just be able to type what you want and it will display that way. The way you'll get the half-diminished symbol will be by typing "0" (in some fonts, the zero character dislays with a slash so it seemed a natural choice). You could if you like edit cchords_sym.xml now to allow use of "0" even in 1.3. Similarly, the trianlge will be obtained using "t" (for triangle, at least in English) or "^" which kind of looks like a triangle.
In reply to Still not getting half dim symbol in ver. 1.3 by von T
Press number 0 for half diminished or minor 7 b5
In reply to See Chord name in the by Marc Sabatella
On a Mac, show Keyboard Viewer, press Option and 'J' - that gives you the Triangle for the Major symbo; presw Option and 'O' for an o with a backslash through it.
In reply to On a Mac, show Keyboard… by chafremuse
But why? Just us t for triangle and 0, zero, for ah o with slash, the latter what least in Jazz style
Will someone explain how to do this in 2017 please?
I push ctrl-k to enter a chord
Type 'vii'
Push F2 to open the symbols menu
Go to the chord symbol tab
Drag a O into my text
Close the symbols menu
Exit my chord text entry
The symbol vanishes
In reply to Will someone explain how to by Richard Cooke
Don't drag symbols from the palette, just type letter "o". See the Handbook under "Chord symbols".
In reply to Don't drag symbols from the by Marc Sabatella
Thanks, I tried entering viio and vii0 using both the general style for chords: jazz and standard.
None of the four combinations works in Musescore 2.1.0.
In reply to Thanks, I tried entering viio by Richard Cooke
Because it is not a chord symbol, doesn't start with a notename A-G(H)
In reply to Thanks, I tried entering viio by Richard Cooke
Indeed, I forgot to mention, the chord symbol facility is meant for actual chord symbols, not for Roman numeral analysis. I find RNA is better done using lyrics.
In reply to Indeed, I forgot to mention, by Marc Sabatella
Not OP but also looking for solution - is there a way to get a diminished symbol in a Chord Name in default font, without bodging a symbol onto the page from elsewhere? I don't mind doing that but want to make sure there isn't a 'proper' way first :)
In reply to Not OP but also looking for by jakebeamish
Just type "o"
In reply to Not OP but also looking for by jakebeamish
But as explained above, this only works for actual chord symbols (eg, "Bo7"), not if you are attempting to use the chord symbol facility for some other purpses like Roman numeral analysis. If you aren't dealing with actual chord symbols, generally you shouldn't use the chord symbol facility.
Ctrl + K to add a chord name, and then
Alt Gr + 5, (add another character if nothing happens first).