BPM on "Play panel"

• Aug 16, 2013 - 13:12

Can you add something to write the value of bpm? Using the slider it's hard to set the right value... this is the only one thing that I don't like of MuseScore!
Thanks for all, MuseScore is the best ;)


In reply to by Shoichi

Ok thanks but I think that editing using play panel will be good, I'd like that by clicking the text of bpm on play panel it allows me to write the value and when I send with "enter" it set automatically this value... I think it will be a very good feature...
thanks, CncLss

In reply to by Cnc Lss

I think you still might be misunderstandng. If you want to set the tempo of the piece, you shouldn't be using the play panel at all. that,s just not what it is for. You should be using tempo text. And these *do* let you type the tempo directly. So you *can* get what you want - you just have to use the correct tool.

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