No nightlybuild updates under windows?

• Feb 20, 2013 - 02:33

The latest windows nightly build is cce7968 from 12.2.2013, the linux build is 47461 five hours ago.
Is it possible to update that more frequent so testing on windows platform can also be done?


The problem was that the underlying libraries (Qt, MinGW) changed and required some major updating to how MS was built. Most of the development happens under Linux so it gets working first. I finally got my Windows compilation system functioning late today. If you want, try my latest Windows download from

I'm sure the official Windows builds will come back soon.

Things are gradually getting sorted out for Windows builds.

I am planning on resuming my Saturday morning build of the latest nightly this week, provided I can get the libraries functioning ok.

So if anyone is desperate for a nightly build after that, a private message via my account here will result in instructions on how to download from my FileFactory account being sent.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I do try to do a build at least once a day, but only on workdays and not weekends. The URl above is where they always are. Really, these links (mine and Michaels) should be on the download page as alternative sites for when issues come up where the regular maintainer is unavailable.

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