changing name of instrument + moving lyric to be centered to the left.

• Feb 1, 2014 - 22:20

I have a choral piece that is completely unison, but it is meant to be sung by two choirs and a soloist. So I was wondering how to I indicate the change of parts. I started fine with the soloist who sings 4 lines worth of music, now it's choir number 1's turn to sing, how do I change the instrument name?
The other question is about lyrics: I have a sentence that is all sung on one note, so I don't want to indicate every single note that they sing, just just the first half note and the last one, but I want the lyrics to show the whole sentence that is being sung. And it worked okay when I made the notes invisible, but the last note was too far to the left. any way I can move the note so that it falls on the end part of the last word in the sentence?
And lastly is there any way to compress measures? The more and less stretch feature hardly does anything.
1. In pic one you can see how I have the soloist part in red, then in line 9 I would like to change it to something else.
2. In pic two you can see the half note F which I want to be closer to the half note E
3. In pic three you can see how the measure that says "Аминь" takes up way to much space, and I would like to connect it with the next line.

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Pic 1.PNG 29.36 KB
gosp.PNG 3.79 KB
pic 3.PNG 8.15 KB
_псалом.mscz 4.58 KB


In reply to by sr ryse

For every "Solo" you need;
Right-click on the instrument name> Staff Properties changes the "Long instrument name" (eg Solo 1 - Solo 2);
Stylle> Edit general style> Hide empty staves.

Layout> Add Less Stretch Layout> Add Less Stretch can reduce the measures
but you should decrease the size of text (eg 12)

Attachment Size
1рхъ.png 8.17 KB

1) If you really want to have just one line of music the whole way through, the easiest thing is probably just to add Staff Text that says "Choir 1" or whatever - select a note and press Ctrl+T. Or you could even insert a horizontal frame in front of the staff and add the text to that (right click, add text). But if you expect the playback sound to change, probably the better way to do it is to set up with your scores with three staves - one for the soloist, one for each choir - and then use the Hide Empty Staves option so that only the staff actually in use at any given moment displays.

2) You can move a note by double clicking it and using the arrow keys. Only the head moves at first, but the stem follows when you complete the operation. Note another way to have done this would be to enter the whole phrase as a single lyric, using Ctrl+Space to embed a space in the lyric.

3) I don't understand what you are trying to do here. The stretch commands work fine, but if there is only one measure on a line, they won't *appear* to have any affect because that one measure is going to fill the whole line. Only if you reduce stretch so much that MuseScore is able to fit another measure on the line will you see the effect. And that's not really feasible here. I tried selecting both of the first two measures together, hit "{" a few times, and sure enough, MuseScore attempted to fit them on the same line, but it looks terrible - notes spilled off the end of the line. There just isn't room for two measures on the line.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you so much! All is pretty much EXACTLY like I want it!
But I forgot to ask one more question (it should be quite simple), how do or can I change the color of the first letter in a word. And how can I change the color of the text I added to a note by shit+t. Conveniently it has fonts and size on the bottom of the screen but no way to edit the colour (I would like it red)

You can select some text, right-click and edit its properties but I don't think you can do this with lyrics. Best I can suggest is to enter that first letter as Stave Text, change its colour and then move it down to the beginning of the lyrics.

Attachment Size
Coloured First Letter.mscz 1.86 KB

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