
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic Elements of the Score do not fit on the page [DELETED] 1783861 4 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic preinstall font should include Italic Shufang Wu 3 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Help! File will not open! Saved as .mscz, but won't open! Olvster123 8 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic please, help me kovajani 7 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic German mistake Score Editor 1 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Call for translating MuseScore 2.0 Thomas 17 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Crash when changing instrument chen lung 5 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic 5 issues with the 2.0 RC ge97aa 10 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Printing lyrics savate 1 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Most links to video tutorials in the PDF handbooks don't work Jojo-Schmitz 6 vor 9 Jahren
Page MuseScore Übersichts-Tour Jojo-Schmitz 0 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Flags points in wrong direction in compound meters Ben Hippen 9 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Intall error 2894 Hubert1 3 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic MusicXml export of chord symbols in Release Candidate Simon Giddings 35 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Nightly build fixes 2.0-RC repeat woes jazzdenson 5 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Extracting lyrics G-Sun 5 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Shortcuts for Plugins don't work Jojo-Schmitz 3 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Unable to add Instrument Change text to first note of score Marc Sabatella 2 vor 9 Jahren
Issue changing styles on import from 1.3 robert leleu 9 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic .mscz File Compatibility rwmol 1 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Kleine Noten in 2.0 RC direktkurier 2 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Score ceated with "Save Selection..." crashes MuseScore if the selection didn't contain the top instrument Jojo-Schmitz 4 vor 9 Jahren
Issue "Save Selection..." saves everything up to (and including the selection) Jojo-Schmitz 4 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Score ceated with "Save Selection..." creates corrupt score if the selection didn't contain all instrument Jojo-Schmitz 2 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic First Page Number Doesn't Show Shufang Wu 1 vor 9 Jahren