Community Blog

GSoC'22 - Week #4: Global Shortcuts

1 year ago • 0 comments

Hello, everyone! Now that the fourth week has passed, I am pleased to say that the Note Input Toolbar and Playback toolbar UI shortcut assignment functionality has been converted into a Pull Request. Please observe the same here: PR #12265.

Additionally, the python script, which is around 120 lines, that can add categories to the spreadsheet has been completed. This implies that once the spreadsheet containing all of the shortcut categories is complete, adding them into the code should

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 3

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hello everyone,

This week, I have finally made some tangible progress within the program! The harp palette has been added and the pedalling diagrams can be placed in the score. Currently it is only possible to add the graphic diagrams, not the text versions, and they remain uneditable for the moment.

Ex 1: A pedalling diagram in the new harp palette

Ex 2: A pedalling diagram which has been added to the score

The style and placement of

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GSoC'22 - Week #3: Global Shortcuts

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hello, everyone! With the conclusion of the third week, I am pleased to report that the Note Input Bar and Playback Toolbar shortcuts are currently in the testing phase. If you'd like to have a look and give it a try, please visit:
The majority of this week was devoted to the classification of shortcuts. Since categorization by the team would take some time since the process requires a lot of iterations, I began designing a script that

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 2

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hi everyone,
This won't be a hugely interesting post I'm afraid as the time I've spent on the project this week has been mostly essential work behind the scenes. Through this I've learned a lot more about how the engraving internals work and interact with each other.
I also added a palette section for new harp notation. For now, this will just be the pedalling diagrams, but there are many other pieces of harp notation we could add in the

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GSoC'22 - Week #2: Global Shortcuts

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hello, everyone! The second week has now concluded. I may not have as much to showcase as I did in the first week, but I have made considerable progress on the backend.

This week was primarily devoted to developing a strategy for managing palette shortcuts and constructing a preliminary implementation thereof.

Action names are now produced based on their pointer values as opposed to their names, and all shortcuts are now kept in the palette cells themselves as opposed to storing

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GSoC'22 - Week #1: Global Shortcuts

2 years ago • 2 comments

Hello, everyone! The first week of GSoC Coding has recently concluded. Currently, I have quite a bit to show for my work, which included some preparation work during the time of community bonding.

In this blog post, I will provide YouTube video links explaining the changes. For those who do not desire to see the videos, a similar explanation and text will be provided here with a summary at the end. I hope this ensures that everyone is able to comfortably read

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 1

2 years ago • 1 comment

Hello all,
This week began with a meeting about the final design for the diagrams and UI to edit them. Below you can see Martin's (Tantacrul's) design for both. The diagrams have been added to the Leland font already, ready for me to use!
After the meeting I wrote up a solid plan for what I'd like to achieve when, before making a start on the class which will actually represent the diagrams in the score. The diagrams will

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GSoC'22 - Global Shortcuts

2 years ago • 0 comments


Hello everyone, I am Rahul Garg, a second-year student at the International Institute of Information Technology in Hyderabad, India, where I am pursuing a B.Tech. in Computer Science and an MS in Computational Human Sciences. I am ecstatic to have been selected by MuseScore for GSOC'22, and I am eager to work on my project and interact with the community!

Project details

My project is titled "Global Shortcuts", and its purpose is to improve the shortcuts system within the

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling diagrams

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hello everyone, my name is James and I’ve been fortunate enough to have been chosen to take on one of this year’s projects for Google Summer of Code. I’ll be working on adding a well integrated method of adding and editing harp pedalling diagrams to scores. Harps have seven foot pedals that are used to sharpen or flatten certain strings. The pedalling diagram tells the harpist which pedals they need to press to get the correct pitches for the current

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GSoC 2021 - Work Product - Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 0 comments

This page contains all the changes made to MuseScore’s source code, completed under the project Improving Accessibility for the Visually Impaired. The project was part of Google Summer of Code 2021.

More information about the project is available at the following locations:

Code Changes:

My work for GSoC’21 was mainly divided between three GitHub Pull Requests, i.e. PR#8280 - High-Contrast Overhaul, PR#8806 -

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