Community Blog

GSoC 2021 - Work Product - Smart Tempo

2 years ago • 0 comments

This page is a summary of all the work done as a part of GSoC 2021 for the Smart Tempo project.
Find more information about the project at:

Weekly blog posts
Project Proposal

Code Changes

All of the code that is part of the project exists in two Pull Requests - #8308, #8524


  • Allowed opening a popup under specific elements when editing is triggered
  • Created a general popup, which can be filled dynamically based on the selected element
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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Work Product

2 years ago • 2 comments

Hi, everyone! I hope all is well.
This is a summary of my project, Chord Symbol Style Editor. This project was a part of Google Summer of Code 2021.

Project Description:

This project is aimed at improving the customizability of chord symbols. It also helps in maintaining a uniform representation across the score.
This project consists of two components: Inspector view and Main Editor.
The Inspector view allows the user to quickly switch between chord symbol styles. It does not

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 10

2 years ago • 0 comments

This week marks the end of the GSoC coding period.
All the main features of the editor are complete and it is overall looking pretty good right now. But I am not quite done with it yet. I have some UI features left to be implemented. I also have a lot of bugs to fix. So, It will take quite a while for the project to be completed and get merged into the master branch.
I have a two-week vacation

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GSoC 2021 - Week-8 and 9: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 0 comments

Well hello there!
Haven't seen that face for a while now. This is a combination blog post for both week-8 and week-9. I got really busy last week trying to get stuff done. That really isn't an excuse to not take a little time out to finish the weekly blog, but here we are...
I only managed to get away with not writing a blog in the first place because the team is SUUPER busy getting the core implementations sorted.

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 9

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hi everyone. I hope everything is going well.
My final exams in college have started. So, I could not do much work. I have exams next week too. In this time, I have been trying to do some small changes/fixes. After my exams, I will be focussing completely on the project again.

Work done:

I relocated the Chord Symbols playback settings in the Inspector to the Playback settings pop-up.
I slightly modified the respelling function. Now, the half-diminished chords of

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GSoC 2021 - Week 8 - Tempo Popup Improvements & Fixes

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hi everyone! I spent the last week working on various improvements and bug fixes to the tempo popup. The most important of which are:
1. Positioning: The tempo popup appears to the side of the element, if it is too close to the bottom edge of the screen
2. Tab View Styling: The active tab is now highlighted.
3. Bug Fix: Prevent users from deleting part of the tempo equation through keyboard input
4. Bug Fix: Visibility toggle now works

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 8

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hey everyone. Hope all is well!
I am in the final stretch of the project and I am happy with how it has turned out so far. There is still quite a bit of work to do.

Work done:

I implemented the respelling functionality for suspensions, 6/9 extension, and bass note. There is one option of the bass note that I still have not completed where the bass note is directly below the chord symbol. I could not make it

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GSoC 2021 - Week-7: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 1 comment

I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well. :)

I spent most of this week completing the Navigation Control Border issue assigned to me on GitHub. The borders around highlighted elements were drawn on the inside of the element. This interfered with the new High Contrast Black and High Contrast White themes, inside which elements are also drawn with borders on the inside.

To fix this, I added the following snippet of code to the background rectangles of

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 7

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hey, everyone. I hope everything is going well.
Last week, I was a little occupied with my college work. I still got some work completed.

Work done:

I started the week with some changes to the UI. Not any major stuff, just spacing, and labeling changes. I completed the chord symbol scaling option, finally. I also added a reset button for the advanced settings.
Another new "feature"(kind of) is added to the editor and the respelling functions which, in each

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GSoC 2021 - Week-6: Improving Accessibility For the Visually Impaired

2 years ago • 1 comment

Progress at Last!

I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well.
I am getting closer and closer to finishing the project assigned to me, and this week marks the (almost) completion of the new design for the accessibility features.
I have embed a short YouTube video in which I use the High-Contrast themes along with other buttons and features that have been changed/added.

I have also managed to find a workaround to the "Changes not showing up" problem

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