Community Blog

GSoC 2020: Albums, Week 10, Landing succesful

3 years ago • 0 comments

Feature-set 99% complete

Let's get right to business. This week I completed my work on the Parts functionality for Albums. There are still some things to be done, but most of that has to do with refactoring. Feature-wise the project is pretty much complete.


I spent most of my time working on Parts and trying to fix a couple of linker errors that were introduced (I haven't managed to fix them yet). Other than that, I added a couple

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GSoC 2020: Albums, Week 9, Preparing for landing.

3 years ago • 0 comments

It's the (almost) final countdown.

Another week, another blog. This week begins the final part of our Google Summer of Code adventure. Both I and my mentors agree that this is a good time to start focusing on improving the existing functionality of Albums (even though there are still a bunch of things that could be added). So, as you might expect most of this month won't be too exciting for yall (you have seen most of the functionality that

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GSoC 2020: Tree Model - Week 9

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hi! This is another progress update blog for my GSoC project.

Last week I had my college vivas and seminar until Wednesday. After that, I have started working again on the write function refactoring.
The main progress I have made is, I have written from scratch a virtual treeWrite() function, and made it match somewhat with the current mscx format by reimplementing it in the top-level classes.

Here's a link to diffs between the original and new files produced by

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GSoC 2020 Week 9 Recap: Playback Plus

3 years ago • 0 comments

Update from last week

Since the playback algorithms already had handling for one-measure repeats, it turned out to require only small changes to get the two-measure and four-measure repeats to play correctly. (However, in some circumstances it is questionable what it is to "play correctly"—see Please don't put your musician in a circumstance where it is questionable what it is to "play correctly.") And I was pleased to find that, by investing in playback, I got MIDI export

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GSoC 2020 Week 8 Recap: Model Design and Convincing Illusions

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hello! The last week ended up being quite different than what I had planned, but some solid improvements were made nonetheless.

Update from last week

PR #6211, my multimeasure rest work, was merged! I have now opened PR #6365 for my measure repeat work.


According to plan, I added an Inspector for MeasureRepeats. Not according to plan, the ground shifted under my feet and suddenly all my files were in the wrong place. I should have had PR

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GSoC 2020: Tree Model - Week 8

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hi all, Welcome to this week's GSoC progress blog!

I have been trying to refactor the write() function based on the tree model. The basic idea is very simple:
We will have a generic ScoreElement::write() function which will be something like the following:

void ScoreElement::write(XMLWriter& xml)
    for (p : properties()) {
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GSoC 2020: Albums, Week 8, Approaching our destination.

3 years ago • 0 comments

The end of stage 2

The time for the second evaluation of this GSoC project has come and with that, I bring you a bunch of updates and the long-awaited video that I promised you weeks ago. Let's get down to business now, shall we?

The updates

  • Added the option to include the absolute paths to the scores when saving the album.
  • Added the ability to edit the style of the movements in album mode.
  • Added an option to move
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GSoC 2020 Week 7 Recap: Keeping It Together

3 years ago • 1 comment

Hello! For this week, I made a longer video:

Update from last week

I made the bond between the measures of a MeasureRepeat group much stronger, disallowing or adding special handling for as many scenarios as I could think of that would interfere with them. Among those scenarios:

  • Copying and pasting measures within a group (disallowed, unless the whole group is selected)
  • Pasting anything into a group (allowed, removes the MeasureRepeat and resets associated measures)
  • Note input within a group
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GSoC 2020: Albums, Week 7, Approaching our destination

3 years ago • 0 comments


Greetings MuseScorers, one more Album GSoC progression blog is here. We have officially entered the second half of this year's Google Summer of Code. I am pretty satisfied with the state of the project and I believe that I still am quite a bit ahead of schedule.

Since the last blog I've fixed a bunch of bugs, crashes and brought the editing capabilities of the album-mode closer to those of a normal score.

The Specifics

  • Added a way to
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GSoC 2020: Tree Model - Week 7 (finished scanElements refactoring)

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hello MuseScore blog readers!

Work done last week

Since my last blog on Wednesday, I have made some final changes to my PR and addressed all the review comments.

I tried testing the application after all the changes were made, and although 99% of the things seemed to be working fine I noticed a few small bugs and a bit bigger one.

The smaller bugs were related to the palette, some elements like spanners, glissandos and fret diagrams were not

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