Community Blog

GSoC 2020 Day 1: It Begins.

4 years ago • 1 comment

It's June 1st, and the coding period is now underway!

Update from last week

My pull request remains open, but it is, I think, mergeable. No changes to the file format were required; I made sure to write "Rest" instead of "MMRest" in the MSCX output, and to check when reading "Rest" to create the correct Rest or MMRest object. I also discovered a bug that I fixed completely by accident, #306192: Lyrics entry with multimeasure rest selected, so

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GSoC 2020 Week 1 BC (Before Coding): Under-the-Hood Changes

4 years ago • 2 comments
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Last week, I was in a conference call with the other MuseScore GSoC students and mentors, where we mainly discussed the challenge of minimizing conflicting code changes (both among ourselves and between us and the core team). We could work in three different directions all summer, happily oblivious to each other, and find out in three months that it's impossible for all three of our projects to be merged at once. Or, we could submit our

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GSoC 2020: Albums, Week -1, Check in

4 years ago • 0 comments

A quiet week

This week I have no flashy video to show you since most of my time was spent on improving the code quality and becoming familiar with some useful MuseScore classes. Hopefully, the work done this week will enable me to make some pretty big strides next week :-)

What progress was made this week?

This week I focused my efforts on improving the existing code (rewriting and adding comments) and fixing bugs/crashes. That includes fixing various crashes

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GSoC 2020 Week 2 BC (Before Coding): Repeats, Rests, and Counting Overview

4 years ago • 16 comments
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Hello, everyone! I’m Isaac Weiss, and I’m very happy to be able to devote my next few months to working with MuseScore through Google Summer of Code. As part of the program requirements, I’ll be blogging here weekly to document my progress. According to the official timeline, coding should begin June 1st, but during this “community bonding period” I and the other students are already studying, experimenting, and planning. This week, I would like to share

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GSoC 2020 (Project Introduction): Tree Model Refactoring for libmscore

4 years ago • 2 comments

Hello! I’m Kumar Kartikay, an undergrad computer science student from NIT Hamirpur, India. I have been selected this year in Google Summer of Code to work with MuseScore. I’m going to be working on a project involving refactoring of code in libmscore, which is the part of the code that handles most of the MuseScore internals, like the Score and the notes in it.

Here is a diagram of the current code structure in libmscore (click to open full sized

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GSoC 2020: Albums, Week -2, Arriving at the airport

4 years ago • 2 comments

Greetings MuseScore blog readers!

I am Sergios - Anestis Kefalidis, an undergraduate Computer Science student from Greece. As you might have guessed from the title, for the next few months, I will be working on bringing back Albums. Many of you have been waiting a long time for this feature so I am quite eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions :^)

What is that 'Albums' feature? (Synopsis)

'Albums' is a feature that allows you to combine compositions into a

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GSoC 2019: Improvements to Instrument Changes - Summary

4 years ago • 0 comments

Over the past 3 months, I have worked to improve how instrument changes are implemented in MuseScore, to make them more user friendly, and more powerful. I have completed a lot of work in this time, and made many improvements. This would not have been possible without the help of my mentor, James Thistlewood, and the other developers of MuseScore, who have been incredibly helpful with their knowledge of the project in keeping me pointed in the right direction.


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GSoC 2019: Final Weeks

4 years ago • 0 comments

These past few weeks I have been busy with the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, but I have still managed to get a lot of work done. After finishing off with instrument change warnings, I started work on allowing changing to unpitched percussion staves. My initial thought was to add a staff type change object to the instrument change when necessary, but this provided a lot of complications when copying and pasting, as the user would be able to change the properties

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GSoC 2019: Work Product: Palette Accessibility

4 years ago • 0 comments

More Information:

My project for GSoC 2019 is Palette Accessibility and this post gives a brief description of all the work that I have done during this time period. The new Palette is designed using a QTreeWidget and it can provide the Musescore users to quickly access the elements by utilizing the ability of the hierarchical view. My idea was to implement keyboard navigation functionality to the palette. Before, we get into

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Work Product

4 years ago • 16 comments

Hi! This post is a summary of the work that was done for my GSoC 2019 project: Chord Symbol Playback.

Project description

This project aims to improve the experience of working with chord symbols in scores. Without being able to hear the harmony denoted by the chord symbols, it can be difficult to get a full idea of what a work of music might sound like in practice.

In my original proposal I hoped to, at minimum, solve a

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