Community Blog

GSoC 2019: Week 4

5 years ago • 0 comments

This past week I have been working on further improving key signatures for instrument changes. After fixing the bug where deleting a key signature before an instrument change would crash the program, I have been working on allowing the user to insert an ordinary key change before an instrument change, and have the key signatures for subsequent instrument changes update accordingly.

This has proved to not be an easy task. My current solution is to create a method that is

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GSoC 2019 : Week 4 - TreeView on a Palette

5 years ago • 0 comments

This is a brief report of what all I have done in the last week as part of my GSoC project.

Work Planned To Do:

As mentioned in the previous blog, I wanted to start the week by parsing the XML file and adding the palette Items to the TreeView by using the XML file. Also, I wanted to start adding icons to the palette Items.

Work Done:

I was able to add the Palette Item using the XML file

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GSoC 2019: Plugin Manager (Week 4)

5 years ago • 2 comments


What I've done

Good news comes first: I'm pleased to say: after many manual tests, our auto-updater is now able to correctly fetch almost all 3.x-compatible plugins in the repository. However, 3 plugins still fail to be download and I believe it's the incorrect format of those plugins rather than the auto-updater's fault that causes the failure.

In addition to testing, I also did some pre-research on the multi-threading facilities in Qt.

Currently, analyzing, downloading plugins and checking for

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 4

5 years ago • 11 comments

We have some behind the scenes playback!

So far

Last week I was focused on making behind the scenes playback work. This is one of the pretty big steps in my opinion for the project as it allows for users to take advantage of this feature a lot more easily. To get something played back, there's nothing needed (in addition to adding the chord symbol) to get the chords symbols played back. We use the same voicing algorithm as before

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GSoC 2019: Week 3 - TreeView on a Palette

5 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned to be Done:

The work I planned to do for the third week of the coding period was to introduce the TreeView on the PaletteBox. This included adding classes to make the Tree Model.

Work Done:

Most of the time I worked on making the Tree Model from the data containing the names of the Palette which was placed on the file default.txt. Here I created the model using the text file and connected it to the treeView

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GSoC 2019: Week 3

5 years ago • 1 comment

My task this week has been to implement automatically changing key for transposing instruments, which in my mind is probably the most important part of the project that I have done so far. I spent a lot of time learning about how key signatures worked, especially with regards to transposing instruments, and key signatures that only applied to a single stave. After doing this, I attempted to implement automatically adding a key change object to each stave that was affected

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 3

5 years ago • 1 comment

This week was a bit of a long week, but it's finally over :)

So Far

Last week I was able to to clean up chord realization a bit. Previously, the algorithm just stacked thirds to create the notes. Now it's a bit better behaved and defined. There is a bass note (which may be the root if the chord is not a slash chord) placed in the octave below middle C and then the rest of the chord is

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GSoC 2019: Plugin Manager (Week 3)

5 years ago • 0 comments

The third week's work still focuses on the fetching routine for plugins stored on

What I have done

  1. Improvements on the scoring algorithm
    The scoring algorithm, briefly described in last week's blog, gives a score for each matched link found within the plugin detail page, to indicate how much likely it is to be the suitable download address.

    Before, only the filename was used to estimate scores. Now, multiple pieces of info are used via the following approach:

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GSoC 2019 : Week 2 - TreeView with a model using QAbstractItemModel

5 years ago • 1 comment

This blog post provides a brief report on the work I have done in the second week in the coding period of the Google Summer of Code program

Work Planned to be Done:

  1. Construct a model using a QAbstractItemModel.
  2. Make a Resource file to handle the data provided to make a treeView resembling a Palette.
  3. Construct a Model using the .xml file containing all the Palette Items.

Work Done:

Construction of a TreeView with a model using the QAbstractItemModel.


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GSoC 2019: Week 2

5 years ago • 2 comments

After last week's work of automatically opening the instrument change dialog when an instrument change is added, my goal this week was to automatically change the instrument change text to the newly selected instrument.

After a bit of experimentation, this turned out to be a fairly simple thing to do, using the trackName() function on the instrument template, which gets the long name. There is some scope for future work for allowing the user to choose which name to use

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