Community Blog

GSoC 2019: Palette Accessibility

5 years ago • 2 comments

Hi, I am Anand H, an undergraduate student in Computer Science from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India. I am grateful to be able to work and participate in this year's Google Summer of Code. This post is a brief outline of the work that I intend to complete as part of the Google Summer of Code.

The current palette provides a list of notations and symbols that are widely used in the scores. The presence of a large number of palette

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback

5 years ago • 1 comment


My name is Peter Hieu Vu. I am an undergraduate student at the University of Washington Seattle and have been selected to work with MuseScore for this year's Google Summer of Code.

As a pianist who loves playing and writing lead sheets, chord symbols are essential for my music. When I first started using MuseScore, I remember transcribing a piece of music and pressing play. I had written a little melody and some spicy chords to go along with

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GSoC 2019: App Store-like Plugin Manager

5 years ago • 1 comment

Hi! My name is Songchao Wang, an undergraduate student in University of Science and Technology of China and I am pleased to participate in Google Summer of Code this year. Here I'll explain what I plan to do to improve MuseScore during the summer.

Advanced users of MuseScore would use plugins to help them when writing scores. (For those who don't know of plugins, see here to learn how to add plugins to your MuseScore, and the plugin repository for

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OpenScore: Matching the layout of the source edition

5 years ago • 3 comments

It is extremely helpful if the layout of the transcription matches the layout of the source edition as closely as possible. This means that the transcription and the source edition should have:

  • The same number of measures per system.
  • The same number of systems per page.

This makes it much easier to spot any mistakes when it comes to the review, but don't wait until the last minute to make these changes! If you ensure the layout matches

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Comparison between Dorico 2 and MuseScore 2

5 years ago • 4 comments

It has been a significant amount of time since I posted my last comparison between MuseScore and other notation programs, but since then Dorico 2 was released. I thought it would do justice to include such a comparison.
Before Dorico 2:
Dorico in of itself was a program with many great ideas, but at the same time, many features did not exist. It was quite hard to do professional work on that program. During that time, I ended up using

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Changing scores format in 3.0

5 years ago • 0 comments

Hi there,

I'm pleased to announce the first project of GSoC of this year which is going to be integrated into MuseScore.
This project is about visualising difference between two scores. It gives us a lot of possibilities to implement revisioning of the scores and support collaborative work from within the editor in future.

Right now the first PR has been merged.
These changes introduce new format of the scores. It means your scores created in earlier versions of 3.0

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GSoC 2018 - Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 14

5 years ago • 1 comment

Hey! :D
This is my last week report under GSoC 2018. We have implemented all the important symbols annotation that OMR needed. Presented Herve with some missing symbols during the testing, on the issue tracker. The application works fine with all the OMR changes on master but we are still into resolving the issues with 2.3.2. I'm in touch for further queries, implementation refinement and issue tackling that will come our way. Final analysis:

Below is the segmented status of

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GSoC 2018: Score Comparison Tool — Work Product

5 years ago • 2 comments

This post is a summary of the work that was done on my GSoC 2018 project. Here I’ll try to explain briefly which goals were set for this project, what was accomplished and which tasks are still left for the future work.

Project description

The problem this project is devoted to is a musical score comparison. Comparison of scores (most often different versions of the same score) is needed for a number of applications both in personal and collaborative work

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