Community Blog

GSoC 2018: Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 3

6 years ago • 1 comment

Hello! :D
It is the third week of coding and things seem to be under control. Had a discussion with lasconic about a problem which was occurring while testing the scores. The application kept on crashing with a weird kind of behavior. After a closer look, we finally have it sorted. The application is working fine on a set of 988 scores. Moreover, from the 988 scores, I have some 70 to 80 scores on which I need to test

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GSoC 2018 - Beginner Mode and Tutorial Creation - Week 2

6 years ago • 2 comments

This is my weekly update on my Google Summer of Code project. There will be three parts of this blog post: what I did, what had issues, and what is next. Then, I will end it with a question that I need answered for part of the project.

What I did

  • Fix toolbar editing

    • The original toolbar editing worked only for the note input toolbar. I worked on expanding it to include all toolbars that contained multiple actions. Currently, it
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GSoC 2018: Score Comparison Tool — Week 2

6 years ago • 0 comments


This week I worked on changing MSCX fileformat, so to describe my work this weekly report will probably contain a bit more technical details. The main idea of the planned changes, as is mentioned also in the discussion on the forum, is to make all parts of the score which is written to the file be less dependent on each other and on the global state of the score. Probably the most common case of such dependence is a

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GSoC 2018: Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 2

6 years ago • 0 comments

Hey! :D

It had been two weeks now working on OMR Dataset project. It's a cool project I would say at the same time, the idea of exploring the codebase on your own, helps in understanding the nuances of implementation. Coming to this weeks analysis:

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We are done with:
1. Porting the OMR work from imeta to master.
2. Grace Notes Implementation for OMR tackling the issue:

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GSoC 2018: Score Comparison Tool — First Week

6 years ago • 0 comments

Hi everyone!

This week I had a bit less time to work than I expected — I had to finish my master work, and it took a bit longer than I supposed before. Anyway I finished it and could finally start my work on this score comparison project.

The first week was reserved in my plans for the preparatory work which would allow me to focus fully or almost fully on the work on the first part of my project:

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GSoC 2018 - Beginner Mode and Tutorial Creation - Week 1

6 years ago • 4 comments

This is my weekly update on my Google Summer of Code project. There will be three parts of this blog post: what I did, what had issues, and what is next. Then, I will end it with a question that I need answered for part of the project.

What I did

  • New project scope

    • MarcSabatella decided that my original project scope was too large and not all relevent. So, I have spent the past week revising and reducing the scope
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GSoC 2018: Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 1

6 years ago • 1 comment

Hey! :D
I have started working on the project. During the Proposal time, I worked on porting the changes from the imeta to the master branch of MuseScore. After that, during the Community Bonding period, I had discussions with Lasconic and Herve about the various issues that are there currently with the annotations and how do we want them in the XML. One by one, for a couple of issues, I got deeper into the codebase to understand the working

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GSoC 2018: Score Comparison Tool for MuseScore

6 years ago • 0 comments


I am Dmitri Ovodok, a master student in Saint Petersburg State University, and I am pleased to participate in this year's Google Summer of Code with MuseScore.

While working on a score one may often need to compare different version of the mastered score and identify those parts that were changed in it. One may also want to have a more convenient way to compare different scores, e.g. different arrangements of the same composition.

My GSoC project will be

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GSoC 2018 - Beginner Mode and Tutorial Creation - Project Description

6 years ago • 4 comments

Hello! My name is Joshua Bonn and I am starting work on my project as a part of Google Summer of Code 2018. My project is called Beginner Mode and Tutorial Creation. The purpose of this post is to start communication with the community on this project as well as receive feedback and ideas for the project. Please read the note below the bio for information about project changes.


First, let me tell you a bit about myself.

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GSoC 2018 Student Introduction for Project: Machine Learning Dataset for Optical Music Recognition

6 years ago • 0 comments

I am Animesh Tewari, a Computer Science undergraduate at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida.
About to begin this awesome journey of GSoC with MuseScore.

Project Goal:
The basic idea would be to support the current scenario of Audiveris OMR integration with MuseScore by accumulating a large correct dataset. The OMR needs to be successfully trained on a large dataset so that it can provide precise outputs which will help the Music community. To carry out this task, a

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