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GSoC 2018 - Beginner Mode and Tutorial Creation - Week 6

6 years ago • 3 comments

This is my weekly update on my Google Summer of Code project. There will be three parts of this blog post: what I did, what had issues, and what is next. Then, I will end it with a question that I need answered for part of the project.

What I did

  • Started a PR

    • I started a PR for my workspace expansion but I am having some trouble passing the travis CI tests. So, I was unable to finish my
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GSoC 2018: Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 6

6 years ago • 0 comments

Bonjour! :D
Week 6th is done and we are cool with the project. There were a list of things which were to be done this week and the good news is - we have it done now. Did get some positive reviews for the work by Lasconic and Herve, so yes, we are good. Coming to this weeks analysis:

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We are done with:
1. Porting the OMR

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GSoC 2018: Score Comparison Tool — Week 5

6 years ago • 0 comments

The fifth week of GSoC was devoted to making final edits to my changes to MSCX format and preparing my code to be merged to the main branch. At least it was planned so but things went a bit longer than I expected :) So let me describe what I have worked on this week.

Rework voices storage
Before the start of my GSoC project change of voice within the staff was represented in the file by <track> properties

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GSoC 2018 - Beginner Mode and Tutorial Creation - Week 5

6 years ago • 1 comment

This is my weekly update on my Google Summer of Code project. There will be three parts of this blog post: what I did, what had issues, and what is next. Next, I will have a small showcase of the workspace. Then, I will end it with a question that I need answered for part of the project.

What I did

  • Fixed Translations

    • Since Basic and Advanced are no longer built in, they are no longer translated. I fixed that
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GSoC 2018: Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 5

6 years ago • 0 comments

Heya! :D
Week 5th is over by now and we are at a good pace with the project. Currently, I think our Implementation part is almost done but we need to heavily test the outputs so that we can be surer for each and everything and make minor changes if required. I and Lasconic are constantly in touch with Herve to understand what is required, how it is to be presented in the XML and other pieces of information from

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GSoC 2018 - Beginner Mode and Tutorial Creation - Week 4

6 years ago • 5 comments

This is my weekly update on my Google Summer of Code project. There will be three parts of this blog post: what I did, what had issues, and what is next. Then, I will end it with a question that I need answered for part of the project.

What I did

  • Added a workspace dialog

    • Now, when creating a workspace, a dialog pops up with space for a name, 4 checkboxes for different components to save to the workspace (toolbars,
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GSoC 2018: Score Comparison Tool — Week 4

6 years ago • 0 comments

Hello again!

This week, not too straight, but moved my work close to the end of the first part of my project. I finished my work on tuplets storage without IDs but after some discussions with Peter Jonas (shoogle) we concluded that it is better to store beams and tuplets in another way. In brief, beams and tuplets are always contained within one measure and within one voice and do not overlap (though tuplets can be nested). Even if beam

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GSoC 2018: Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 4

6 years ago • 0 comments

Hola! :D
It's hard to believe that it had been a month working on this project. Feels like I started it a week ago only :)
The project is quite engaging and learning is high.

Bringing to everyone this weeks analysis:

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We are done with:
1. Porting the OMR work from imeta to master.
2. Grace Notes Implementation for OMR tackling the issue:
3. Bracket Implementation

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GSoC 2018 - Beginner Mode and Tutorial Creation - Week 3

6 years ago • 1 comment

This is my weekly update on my Google Summer of Code project. There will be three parts of this blog post: what I did, what had issues, and what is next. Then, I will end it with a question that I need answered for part of the project.

What I did

  • Add Default Menubar

    • At first, the menubar would not update when switching to Basic or Advanced workspaces. Now, it rebuilds the menu based on the original menu. Currently, it
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GSoC 2018: Score Comparison Tool — Week 3

6 years ago • 0 comments


The third week I continued working on the changes on MSCX fileformat. In the previous week I worked on a mechanism which would help to store spanners, beams and tuplets (in general, any "connecting" elements) without using IDs, then I made spanners use this mechanism while reading/writing thus eliminating the need for spanner IDs. However I used ticks for identifying positions of elements in its initial version so, as pointed by my mentor (shoogle), it needed a rework to

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