Community Blog

GSoC 2019: Plugin Manager (Week 2)

5 years ago • 2 comments


These days I have been focused on fetching plugins stored on

What I've done

  1. I made some draft specifications on the format of upoaded plugins, including GitHub ones and ones. You can see the detailed specifications on

    The main idea is that one GitHub repo must contain exactly one plugin, and place plugins of different versions on separate branches.

    And for ones, we explicitly do not support the case where multiple qml files are uploaded

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 2

5 years ago • 2 comments

Made some good progress this week moving forward despite dead week work!

So Far

This week I have accomplished most (arguably all :)) of what I set out to do. I'm still in the progress of cleaning up the code into a more robust data structure to prepare for the next steps, but the data structure is integrated and running. I've also got a very simple system of realizing full chords and all of their notes. It's stacked triads over

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GSoC 2019: Plugin Manager (Week 1)

5 years ago • 2 comments

Hi, sorry to be late. Now it's already the second/third day of week 2 in GSoC coding period, depending on your time zone.

What I've done

  • Make the button style in plugins tab consistent with the extensions tab.

There're now always 2 buttons for each plugin. One is for install/update and the other is uninstall. Also, the buttons are now stretched to fill up the table widgets.

The fonts' anti-aliasing should be enabled if you are not debugging the application,

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GSoC 2019: Week 1

5 years ago • 4 comments

After the community bonding period, this week has been the first week of coding for the Google Summer of Code. The start of the week was spent setting up the git repository, and becoming more familiar with the codebase.

Part of what I had planned to do in the first week was to add the instrument change button to the inspector, rather than to the right click menu. This has actually been implemented by Isaac Weiss (, so

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GSoC 2019 : Week 1 - Implementing a Sample TreeView.

5 years ago • 0 comments

This blog post provides a brief note on the work I have done in the first week in the coding period of the Google Summer of Code program.

Work Planned to be Done:

  1. Create a Sample TreeView using Model-View Architecture
  2. Learn more about Class and Objects
  3. Work out some sample codes based on the Model/View Programming.

Work Done:

1.Constructing a TreeView

I have started the week by learning how to implement a TreeView using Model-View programming. I created a model

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 1

5 years ago • 0 comments

The previous week was a good week of development. I'm still in the process of understanding everything and planning things out for the future so there's still a lot of progress that is still waiting to be exposed as actual features.

So Far

I have accomplished what I mentioned last week and have basic chord symbol realization of just the root notes. This is something you can see here:

[inline:Week 1 Root Notes.gif]

You'll also be able to see the

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 0

5 years ago • 0 comments


The community bonding period has now ended and we are entering the coding period. Over the last few weeks, I have been reading tons of code, experimenting with designs, and continuing to plan out the specifics of this project.

So Far

I have been focusing mainly on the extraction of data. The state of the includes an incomplete option in Tools/Realize Chord Symbols. This option will eventually be the one used to turn chord symbols into notes on the

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GSoC 2019 : Week 0-Community Bonding.

5 years ago • 1 comment

The corresponding blog post represents what all works I have done during the community bonding period of GSoC 2019. For the last week, I have been trying to lay some clear foundations on how the code is structured and also how the files are managed in the software regarding the palette. I also made an effort to make sample TreeView and TreeWidget which may provide a future reference for constructing the Palette.

Works Planned to do:

  1. Understand how model-view programming
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GSoC 2019: Plugin Manager (Week 0)

5 years ago • 7 comments

There's still a week before the official coding period begins, but I'd like to share the progress.

What I've done

I'm not coding full time recently and do have other engagements these days. However, I just keep adding small code snippets regularly.

  • Implement the checking update routine for plugins stored on GitHub.

    The auto-updater is now able to keep GitHub release ID numbers or commit hashes in a file named "pluginpackages.xml" in the data directory. And the routine will return

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GSoC 2019: Improvements to Instrument Changes

5 years ago • 1 comment

Hi, I'm Josh, I'm a 3rd year computer science student studying at the University of St Andrews, and I'm going to be working on MuseScore this summer as part of the Google Summer of Code.

The main goal of this project is to streamline the process of adding instrument changes. Currently, most of the functionality does exist in MuseScore, but you have to do every step manually. By the end of the summer, I would like the process changing an

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