Community Blog

GSoC 2019: Plugin Manager - Work Product

4 years ago • 1 comment

Hi! This post is a summary of my Google Summer of Code project, and it also serves as an introductory material linked in The GSoC project page.

The project is devoted to improving the plugin facility of MuseScore, and more specifically, automating the process of downloading and installing MuseScore plugins. The above project page already gives a good explanation for its purpose.


This is a video demo demonstrating all major features the project covers.


I began by opening

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GSoC 2019: Week 12 - Adding Right-Click Menu

4 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

Complete creating a right-Click Menu Option and also make the back-end logic for each of the options for the context Menu

Work Done:

I have added the right-Click menu option for the palette item and also for the elements within each palette. I have made this by reimplementing the conextMenuEvent() of the palette to the PaletteList which provides the option to customize the paletteCellItem or the elements and also reimplementing the contextMenuEvent() of the paletteBoxButton to

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GSoC 2019: Plugin Manager (Week 12)

4 years ago • 1 comment

This week I still managed to add more comments and do more code cleaning. I must admit these were not done completely in previous days, partially because some functions are being added and renamed.

I did some fixes, too. One small but interesting one among them is, the space between the following QLabel and QTextEdit, was not constant when we switched between plugin items and package items. I fixed this by setting a minimum width value to the QLabel on

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 12

4 years ago • 4 comments

We're almost done!

So far

This week was a lot of cleanup and making sure everything is good and cleaning up the final bits. That means writing a lot of tests to make sure everything will be good going forward and for new developers to work with. On the user side of this week, it was fairly uneventful, although there is some stuff to hopefully look forward to coming soon :)

Coming up

Sometime in the next week, I will

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GSoC 2019: Week 11 - Setting Palette Items to the Score

4 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

Complete the drag and drop functionality for the new palette. I also planned to work on creating the Menu option for each palette items.

Work Done:

Completed doing the Drag and Drop functionality. It seems that I have missed reimplementing the mousePressEvent to get into the Drag and drop function last time, which I thought Qt will automatically handle. With the help of my mentor, I was able to finish implementing the drag and drop functionality.

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GSoC 2019: Plugin Manager (Week 11)

4 years ago • 0 comments

We are going into the final week.

What I've done

  • A small improvement in download link analysis.
    One more aspect of compatibility hint is added and checked, which makes the fetching procedure more stable.

  • Remove the __MACOSX folder in some downloaded archives when installing plugins.
    The folder exists in some archives generated by Mac computers, and is unwanted in Windows, (and I guess, unwanted in Mac, too...), and causes an incorrect item displayed in Plugin Manager's tree widget.

Also, I

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 11

4 years ago • 1 comment

Into the final weeks!

So far

This last week was a lot of bug fixing. The first part, though, was spent finishing up some of the quality of life stuff that I started on last week. Here is what it looks like:

Video Here!

You can first see that there is a preference under "Note Input" that says "Play harmony while editing". It's on by default and allows users to have chords played back while editing chord symbols. What this means is

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GSoC 2019: Week 10 - Setting Palette Items to the Score

4 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

Completing the drag and drop functionality for the new palette was the main work that I planned to do the last week. The other job was to create a menu option for the palette items.

Work Done:

I started the week working on reimplementing the PaletteCell structure onto the PaletteCellItem (QListWidget) later, I continued my work on reimplementing the functions responsible for the drag and drop functionality. In the process of reimplementing these functions, I faced

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GSoC 2019: Plugin Manager (Week 10)

4 years ago • 9 comments

In this week, a few improvements are added:

  • Disable the "Uninstall" button when updating plugins, because the operation may cause crashes.

  • Add "OK" and "Cancel" buttons. So the plugin manager tab's UI is completely the same as the old (and removed) one now. Those buttons are placed only in the plugin manager tab at the right bottom. As before, the "Cancel" button, the close button abandon current changes in Plugin Manager, and the "OK" button accepts them.


What to

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 10

4 years ago • 1 comment

Just a couple weeks left!

So Far

Last week, I worked mainly on separate MIDI channels for harmony. The way it works is each part has the capacity to have its own harmony channel which is created whenever the first chord symbol is added or loaded. This channel shows up as a subchannel in the mixer for the corresponding part which means that it can be adjusted as its own channel. This allows us to change the instrument used to

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