Diminish space between rests and/or "rest-derived" space between note and barline

• May 20, 2020 - 23:54

Hi all, first time posting here. Hopefully my subject line wasn't too verbose.

I'm having an issue where - even with "note to barline distance" turned pretty far down and "decrease layout stretch" employed to the maximum degree - it seems that space between rests (between a quarter and eighth rest, in this instance) is dictating an awkward (and bloaty) space between continuous quarter notes and an upcoming barline in adjacent parts.

Note that the eighth note in the upper part is still quite far from the upcoming barline, whilst the eighth notes in the lower/mid-left part of the screenshot are practically touching the upcoming barline. I'd love to unify the style of the score to have all eighth notes have the same (tight) space with their upcoming barlines, and I'd especially like to avoid having the continuous quarter notes feature an awkward space before their upcoming barline as a result of what I suspect is customizable notation/rest spacing in other parts.

Thanks for your help!

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In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you, Marc. Any suggestions on diminishing space between printed rests or mitigating this some other way? I'm trying to make the score as tight as possible, but if my best shot for making the quarters look better is to increase layout stretch I will. I think even with that turned up to the max there ends up being a gap I'd rather avoid, though.

In reply to by [DELETED] 13848876

I’m not understanding - you can’t change the laws of physics. There needs to beough space after that last quarter to accommodate both the rest on beat 4 and the note on the “and”. The other quarters need to align with their respective beats. That does indeed mean the spacing will be uneven in the score (but not the parts, since alignment of beats won’t be an issue there).

Again, this not some limitation of MuseScore, that’s just how music notation works and always has. Unless you are trying to invent your own nonstandard style of notation in which beats don’t align, you shouldn’t be messing with this at all - the defaults are correct already. This is how scores always look in published music. The parts will be more even of course.

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