No access to sound after re-install with Win10/64 bit

• May 21, 2020 - 21:37

I recently had to re-install Musescore 3 (v on my Win 10 64 bit system. I've done the re-install a couple of times now but I cannot get the sound back on the playback function, or the piano keyboard. The synthesizer and mixer menu items are both grayed out. The playback buttons are showing on the top menu. I have downloaded the soundfont file Musescore_general.sf3 to the documents/musecore3/soundfonts directory, but still nothing. I have also configured Win10 so that apps can control the sound.

This is really frustrating annoying. Any suggestions?

Screen shot of the Musescore UI attached.


Paul Childs

Attachment Size
MS_screen.jpg 160.77 KB


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, but I've tried everything on here. Synth and mixer are still grayed out. So:

  1. I can't open the synth window because it's not lit as a drop down menu choice.
  2. I've reset the factory settings a couple of times, nothing changes.
  3. I can't tell if any soundfont is loaded because I can't open the synth from View.
  4. When I go to Edit→Preferences→I/O the box shows the right location for the soundfonts, but there is a pencil instead of a folder icon next to it and when I click on that icon and tell it to open the correct folder, the one with soundfonts, nothing happens. (screenshot attached).
  5. Restarted the audio and MIDI devices several times, no change.
  6. Musescore does not appear in the Win Volume Mixer list. Guessing this is the nub of the problem.
  7. Not running a Mac.

In the Control Panel "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" is checked in the Playback and Recording options.

I do have a Bluetooth headset, but switched that off and switched to the onboard speakers and mic, no change or sound.

Restarted "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder", no change.

The sound problem is specific to Musescore, I get sound from other apps.

I'm going to try messing around with getting it listed in the Volume Mixer setup.


Attachment Size
MS_screen2.jpg 207.89 KB

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