I have broken my MS3 installation.

• Jun 13, 2020 - 21:47

Following on from https://musescore.org/en/node/306653 workspace customising I have rendered MS unusable. All the menu options are greyed out. Attempts to fix it failed so I thought that a fresh install would sort it out.

I ran the uninstaller, deleted the MS folders from Program Files and Local\AppData then restarted the PC. I downloaded a fresh copy off MS3 64-bit Windows and installed it. Unfortunately it is just the same so it appears to have remembered the rogue settings.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

:-) Thank you!

It's kind of ironic really. I've spent this week not using Guitar Pro and instead concentrating on really using MS. I'm now finding it just as easy to use as GP plus I get all the extras that MS supplies so am switching to it as my main scoring program.

Then I go and kill the installation!

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