Inconsistency with Re-pitch mode

• Jun 16, 2020 - 00:25

Maybe this is intentional, but sometimes when building chords, an extra [A-G] key has to be pressed (or an additional arrow key) to move forward before inserting the next key. In the following video (nevermind the non-default shortcuts used), it is shown that between each tuple I had to press the pitch twice to "move-on" from finishing the "chord-building" using shift on the previous chord.

I think this might be considered an inconsistency and as such a minor bug or maybe just a suggestion to not do what it's doing and move forward automatically after the chord building between tuples here, but maybe it's supposed to be this way and I'm misunderstanding. Any comments are appreciated related to potentially filing an issue ticket:

(video is a little slow on purpose)


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It should be fairly simple to see. Here's an attachment (mscz + screenshot for here):

Triplets of [rest+a+a]
1) Load attachment
2) Insert Repitch mode
3) Repitch everything to chords of A + C (A and then Shift+C)

Notice that you can't merely do [A] then [Shift+C] over and over again. You can for the first two of them, but going into the next tuple, either have to press right arrow, or press a pitch to get it moving over. Normally you can just press in pitches and repitch mode will jump to the next slot afterwards without having to manually move ahead, which adds to the briskness of using that mode.

Attachment Size
rpm_test.mscz 3.51 KB

In reply to by worldwideweary

Update: Tuples aren't necessary. Here's some quick demonstrations:

1) Repitch: single note skips rests


2) Repitch: chords (two notes). Moves right along without extra motions required.


3) Repitch: chords (two notes) with a rest between each chord. Now there's an extra motion required like right-arrow or A-G (it goes back one slot when adding the extra note to the chord).


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