Drum Score - need help on D.S al Coda

• Jun 24, 2020 - 00:51

I need help or debug on D.S al Coda. Please refer the attached Drum Score for details.

My intended flow is:
a) Measure 1 to 37
b) Measure 10 to 33 (Repeat)
c) Measure 38
d) Measure 22 to 33 (use of D.S al Coda)
e) Measure 39 to 42

However, the actual flow is:
a) Measure 1 to 37
b) Measure 10 to 33 (Repeat)
c) Measure 38
d) Measure 39 to 42

In other words, my intended use of D.S Coda doesn't kick in, it doesn't takes effect. Please review/play my Drum Score to see or debug where my problem is. I really appreciate help here, better still if can change my Drum Score and tell me where the changes are.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Attachment Size
I Look Up To The Sky.mscz 32.95 KB


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