Pop-Up Windows Don't Recognize Changes in Computer Display

• Jul 19, 2020 - 19:15

I run MuseScore 3.0 on my laptop, which I sometimes hook up to a docking station that is connected to two additional monitors. I had previously been using the program while hooked up to this docking station, and had moved most pop-up windows to automatically open on one of the secondary monitors.

Today, I happened to be working on a project on the same laptop while not connected to that docking station, and I quickly noticed that none of the pop-up windows are appearing, but they're still locking the program while waiting for a response. The best I can tell is that they are still trying to appear on a now-nonexistent secondary monitor, and I cannot get them to move back to my primary screen. I tried right-clicking on the toolbar and selecting Cascade Windows, Show Windows Stacked, etc., but they're still not moving back to my primary screen.

The solution to this is pretty simple and I'll be hooking back up to the docking station to move everything back, but if I were out or otherwise unable to hook up to it I'd have a completely useless program.


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