Musescore 4 sounds different (in a bad way) after using Muse Sounds
I wanted to try to use the Muse String, so I downloaded. It was the first time I used Muse sounds so I didn´t know how to use it correctly (I´m still confused). However, after downloaded I tried my score (orchestra) and suddenly all the strings played quite lower and the metals sounded so high. Also the quality diminished a lot. Now I don´t know how to fix it. I uninstalled the Muse sound but it still the same.
Please help!!
How did you set up your score to use Muse strings? Goto View>Playback setup and activate Muse basic sounds to go back to them. Yes Muse Sounds aren't quite as loud as Basic sounds. What do you mean by "quality"?
In reply to How did you set up your… by bobjp
Hi, I tried what you told me but it still sounds the same :(.
By quality I mean that when I played before this happens, it sounded more realistic, specially strings. Now kinda sounds more like Musescore 3
In reply to Hi, I tried what you told me… by L1UQ1
Muse basic sounds are MuseScore 3 sounds. By "before this happens", do you mean before you downloaded Muse Strings? Did you activate Muse Sounds? Y didn't have to delete them to not use them. There is a bit of a learning curve to using them. It isn't hard once you get used to them.
In reply to Muse basic sounds are… by bobjp
Muse basic sounds are crippled MuseScore 3 sounds (a stripped down version of them)
In reply to Muse basic sounds are… by Jojo-Schmitz
@Jojo-Schmitz wrote
> Muse basic sounds are crippled MuseScore 3 sounds (a stripped down version of them)
That's interesting! I don't recall hearing this before.
In 3.7/3.6 I often resorted to a simple instrumental sound set of the Mellow Grand piano at p dynamic and the Acoustic Bass for pizz. (That was because those were some of the most realistic and pleasant voices I could find.)
But when I open 3.7/3.6 scores in MuseScore 4.x the Mellow Grand sounds much heavier. And the bass seems to unpleasantly thicken the mix.
Are there particular instruments that have survived best?
In reply to Muse basic sounds are… by Jojo-Schmitz
@Jojo Does this mean that if all musehub sounds become chargeable, musescore V4 would have less quality free sound than V3?
In reply to Does this mean that if all… by frfancha
You can use the Mu3 Soundfonts in Mu4, as far as I know
In reply to Muse basic sounds are… by Jojo-Schmitz
Other than there being no SND sounds ('cause they aren't needed), seems like the same sounds to me.
In reply to Muse basic sounds are… by bobjp
I think I have may be using it without noticing. When I donwloaded Musescore 4 I think I also download some like string sounds or orchestra sounds. Maybe when I changed Muse Sound to the new one that I downloaded the "old one" was substituted. The thing is I don´t know how to recover it.
In reply to I think I have may be using… by L1UQ1
There are at least 5 different violin section sounds in Muse basic. Two or thee each for the other sections. I don't know which one loads by default.