Something seems to be hidden, the music sounds out of key

• Dec 30, 2024 - 13:43

I converted the attached pdf to musicxml format and then opened in MuseScore. The first 4 measures sound fine, but starting at the 5th measure the notes sound off key. I tried both MuseScore 3 and 4. The notes in the MuseScore file are the same as in the pdf but something is wrong. Can you help? Thanks,



For some reason, the lower two staves are transposed. For instance, when you click on a G it reports as sounding F flat. It crashed when I tried fixing it in 3.6.2 but I managed it in 4.4.2. There a lot of key changes later on in the piece.

Attachment Size
Eagle's Wings_0(1).mscz 85.32 KB

In reply to by carlsonbm50@gm…

I looked in Stave/Part properties and didn't see any obvious transposition, but when I entered a note it was definitely transposed. I then went back into Stave/Part properties and selected 0 octaves up and perfect unison (i.e no transposition) and this seemed to reset the stave. Next I put the correct initial time signature in, selected all the notes and moved them to their correct pitches. Still not sure about all those Key signature changes later on in the score, though.

Please note we are not tech support experts here and I mostly just blunder along in a binary learning manner until I get a result that sounds OK, so I can't tell you why this happened.

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