When using the Roman Numerical Analysis chord placement defaults to 'Below' even if I select 'Above'

• Jul 20, 2020 - 14:23

When I am using the Roman numerical Analysis the chord placement will default to below. If I change it to 'Above' as is my preference it will remain there while I am editing the text field and then jump back below once I click off or hit enter.

I have found that if I then select the completed Roman Numerical Analysis chord box I can change the chord placement above and it will stay there, but defaults to below when I enter in the next chord and so the tedious process continues! Anyone got any idea how to fix this bug?

I have tried to set 'chord placement 'Above'' as my preferred style as shown in the image below but it just defaults back to 'below'.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2020-07-20 at 14.22.17.png 138.94 KB


Did you click on the "S" that is just off screen to the right? That is how you save the setting as a style.

If you missed that because it was off screen you would be the second person today. And I sometimes forget it is there myself when it is hidden. It is a shame the S isn't somewhere more permanently displayed.

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