
• May 5, 2017 - 15:50


How can I record my piano playing and create a new score with it in MuseScore2?


Gert Schipper


Although realistically, that's not going to work to actually input "piano playing" in the sense of trying to play a full piece with both hands. You can try recording that with a sequencer, saving to a standard MIDI file, then importing that. But realize MIDI is extremely limited for that sort of thing; you are probably better off entering it a phrase a time, one hand at a time, either using one the new real time input modes or traditional step time note input.

In reply to by Elivejiwhite

No, it requires a sequencer program. Once you find yourself a sequencer program you like, you can use that to do the recording, but you’d need to consult the documentation for that program to learn how. Then you can import that as a MIDI file into MuseScore and begin the process of trying to turn that into readable notation.

If understand you correctly, you want to play a keyboard and have Musescore notate it as you are playing? That's not something that can be done with Musescore. As far as I know, you can connect a controller and do single note input, and build chords note by note, just as we do using the computer keyboard. But you cannot play with two hands and all of your fingers and have Musescore notate all of that.

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