Issues with imported PDF files

• Aug 24, 2020 - 22:20

Hi, I am Amos.
I got an issue with imported PDF files in musescore 3. When it is been imported, I see in some measures additional rest which were not in the original score.

Please how can I remove those additional rests, because I have tried to select and delete them with Ctrl+x, but it is not working?


ctrl+del will delete the extra rests, but it will delete everything on that beat in all instruments and staves so that may not be a good idea.

Without seeing the source or import I would guess there are either voices or tuplets involved and you probably need to simply redo the measures if there are not too many.

In reply to by amosogbebor8

Click that button and a window pops up
select the file
On windows there is an open button in the pop up you may have something different but similar, perhaps OK. Click that.

If the file is a PDF or MSCZ file it will upload. You may need to wait a few seconds for the upload to complete if you have a slow connection. I tested it while typing this and it worked, so there is no problem with the website allowing uploads.

In reply to by amosogbebor8

The warning from the website that the upload failed was probably above what was displayed on your screen.

I can see what's happening in the file you uploaded. This is actually one of the better imports I've seen using the import tool in MuseScore on a score with several instruments/voices. The results are typical of the import tool getting confused about lining up notes and rests in different staves.

As is often the case with a file like this, it will take more time to fix it than it will to enter it from scratch. This is because there is no easy way to move all of the notes and rests that belong in a measure together so you can remove the added beats from a measure all at once. Removing a beat from the piano will remove it at the same place in the measure for all instruments and you don't want that.

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