Not able to select key signature

• Sep 1, 2020 - 13:45

When creating a new composition I am able to select from a variety of clefs for my palettes, and am able to double click on my selected one as there is no continue button (my professor showed us his screen and he had continue buttons at the bottom of the selection screen). When done double clicking on the selected clef it brings me to select a key signature and I am not able to double click one or select a continue button, I am stuck on that screen. How do I resolve this issue so I am able to create my composition? Thank you for your help.


I am still unable to select my preferred key signature (single clicking as suggested), thus am unable to move forward to select time signatures, tempo, number of bars, etc.

In reply to by hpechette

You say "there is no continue button". I also have no continue button when using the new score wizard. However, I do have a "Next" button. Like this.


Perhaps this is a localisation thing. What language is your version of MuseScore using? Do you have a button in that postion when you use the new score wizard?

I am stuck in this spot. I have tried selecting different key sigs and it does nothing. In the instructional video our professor showed there options to continue and go back in the lower right hand corner.

Attachment Size
MuseScore Issue.jpg 1.44 MB

In reply to by hpechette

Your problem is that the wizard's window is too big. You need to use the command line -D xxx to set the DPI for your screen because MuseScore is not detecting it correctly. See for info on using the command line options.

xxx is the DPI for your screen. If you don't have an idea of what to use I suggest you try about 100 then go up or down from there as needed until you get a good screen size. I suggest you open the Format->Style window to determine your DPI since its larger than the new score wizard.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Nope, just a laptop. I'm not familiar with hlw to input the listed code -D xxx, how would I go about doing so? I tried the suggested directions of opening Musescore, Format -> style (and page settings) and I could not find the window option to select from. I tried changing the format to A4 and I could just barely see the thop of the button selections at the boom, but I could not see them fully or select them.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I followed the exact instructions and musescore opened and reset to factory settings and I am still having the same problems of not being able to select any buttons and move past a key signature selection. I also tried using the -D xxx code in the line to change the size and 100 was far too big, so I tried 50, which decreased the size but no buttons were at the bottom to select from, and I was still unable to select a key signature.

In reply to by hpechette

It's hard to tell from a picture because I don't know the scale, but offhand it doesn't actually look like the resolution is wrong, it simply looking like the dialog is too big, simply resizing it should help. Depending on your exact OS and settings, probably dragging the top border of the window down will get it?

Anyhow, you don't need to see the buttons, just hit Enter to move to the next screen.

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