since update, program is not responding

• Sep 22, 2020 - 15:38

I updated the program yesterday and used it for a while. today when I try to open the program, it is not responding. I have windows 8.1 going on an HP envy. Has anyone else had a problem like this?


Things that I tried that didn't help were:
I restarted the computer
I deleted the program and reinstalled it completely
Anything else I should try?

In reply to by wanglib1

No, when you run the program it creates new files. Uninstalling doesn't touch those files, restoring factory settings does. If you press the windows button and press R you will get the command line. You will need to type

C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\MuseScore3 -F

You probably didn't change any defaults when you installed it so this should work. This should be a one time thing so MuseScore shouldn't cause you any more problems.

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