Staff Spacing

• Oct 4, 2020 - 11:56


I have somehow managed to drag a staff so that there is now a huge gap between two staves when using continuous view. The Additional Stave Spacing is set to 0. I have tried reloading the style sheet for the score, and resetting the style to default, all to no avail.

When I use page view, the issue is not present.

Is there a solution?


Attachment Size
Clipboard01.png 694.82 KB
13_Finale_Act_1.mscz 178.65 KB


In reply to by ianjwesley

You had accidental dragged or moved something from either the staff above the gap or the staff below it and MuseScore was avoiding it. The score is too long for me to try to find what it was.

Actually I once encountered a bug where my tenuto marks kept moving down on there own about 70 spaces and doing this. You may have also found that bug.

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