Variable spacing between staves

• Oct 13, 2020 - 16:28

I am trying to transcribe a series of plainchant antiphons. Most of them I can manage to squeeze onto a single line without making them hard to read. Some need to go to two lines. I want to be able to reduce the space between the lines of a two-line antiphon, to differentiate from the space between one antiphon and the next. Help?

I attempted to fix it using "staff type change" (see my #17), but for some reason things like slur lines and system text didn't follow the change in offset value, which is just MADDENING. And now I also can't even figure out how to delete the useless "staff type change". Can anyone explain why "delete" and "ctrl-delete" and dragging the icon off the screen don't work? Is this some kind of Zen test? I should be chanting my antiphons more mindfully so that when I sit down to work on them in MuseScore I am not so inclined to cuss loudly and pull my hair out? I swear I need beta-blockers for this project.

Thank you for being here to help......

Attachment Size
Invitatory_Antiphons.mscz 31.92 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

oooh, bless you, Jojo, you are a prince! It worked. Well, you knew that LOL.

Now can I ask another question, or should I start a new topic? You see at the end of each antiphon TONE I (or II, III, or IV)? Neither "staff text" nor "system text" can be aligned to the actual staff. It's aligned to the last note, which depending how crowded the staff is, varies in placement. Is there a way to right-align this text to the actual end of the staff itself?

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