My Instruments Is sounding as another on pizzicato

• Nov 6, 2020 - 18:38

This is a unique problem I haven't come across before and it's a frustrating one. I don't even know what's wrong. My Contrabass sounds just fine when instructed to bow. However, when I put in the "pizz." text, the Contrabass begins to play another sound completely different from plucked strings. It sounds like a bass guitar. I tried checking if I had another soundfont installed or something. But no I hadn't. I even reset my settings to factory settings but yet the problem still persists. PLEASE can someone come to my aid. 😣😣😣


I think this is the default for your instrument's definition. Open the mixer, F10, click the right arrow at the top of the Contrabass volume and the select the pizz channel and set the sound to something better.

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