Recommended way to add SMuFL Slash notehead (U+E100, noteheadSlashVerticalEnds) to Noteheads palette

• Dec 13, 2020 - 00:05

I want to try using theSMuFL Slash notehead (U+E100, noteheadSlashVerticalEnds) but it is not a member of the Noteheads palette.

I'm familiar with adding score elements to a palette but—on the Mac—what's the best way to add a SMuFL U+E100 font char to the score or directly to a palette?




By taking it from the symbols palette of the master palette
That won't make it a "first class citizen" (in MuseScore's noteheads category) though, for that the code needs to get extended.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That was easy. Thanks Jojo!

At Master Palette>Symbols I was able to search for "slash" or "notehead" ... and easily found U+E100 in a small group of candidates.

Jojo wrote >> That won't make it a "first class citizen" (in MuseScore's noteheads category) though, for that the code needs to get extended.

indeed. I was excited to try the "vertical ends" slash notehead char (U+E100) in my scores but, as you've pointed out, I immediately discovered that the "vertical ends" slash char lacks the superpowers bestowed on the Noteheads Palette's default notehead members ... up to "ti".

Once I've added the U+E100 "vertical ends" slash to MuseScore's Noteheads palette I can apply it to existing notes, but it merely attaches to the notes and fails to replace the existing notehead.

So the SMuFL U+E100 char languishes in the Noteheads pallet amongst other symbols I had previously added to, including SVG symbols I've love to put to use as noteheads. They're all unusable as replacement noteheads.

I thought SMuFL chars would work since they could be recognized by their encoding.

Have you heard any mumblings about extending the code to make added noteheads, um, noteheadable?



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