How to change systems per page

• Dec 24, 2020 - 00:36

I have made a new piano sheet but there is a single line that extends to page 2. How do I change from the default systems per page by adding one more?


The first thing I would try is to select everything (ctrl+a) then reduce the stretch by pressing { up to 10 times and see if everything ends up on one page. You need to make sure there are no system or page breaks on the first page for this to have a chance to work.

To be clear, though: there is no single setting for "default systems per page", any more than word processor has a default setting for "lines per page". It's just a matter of how big your page is, how big your staves are, how big the spaces between them are, etc. So do check out the Handbook article on page layout to learn how to tweak these to your liking.

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