
• Jan 2, 2021 - 20:46

i exported a .mid of the Walkure-score from Musescore and it seems to me that the notes in the bassclef are not transposed correctly. dont know who is to blame.
regards bottrop

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Transpo 1.png 217.44 KB


The midi export is fine but the note entry by Marty Strasinger is flawed.

Prior to about 1920, instruments such as the horn that were normally written in the treble clef that had a range that extended to the bass clef wrote the notes an octave lower than they should have when the bass clef was used. MuseScore does not support this notation directly so there are two ways the transcriber needs to work around this.

  1. Use an instrument change at each clef change and set the transposition appropriately

  2. Use an ottava bass clef with the 8 above the clef rather than the standard bass clef.

Either of these methods will work to fix the note entry error. BTW, once the transposition issue is fixed, select all of the wrong notes and press ctrl+up arrow to move them to the correct octave.

So, any score from before 1900 you can be about 99.999% sure that it was written with the odd transposition. Anything after 1900, you need to look at the notes on the score to determine which transposition method was used if the instrument usually is written in Treble clef but there are some sections written in Bass clef.

In reply to by marty strasinger

I think you said that correctly. Instruments that are normally G clef that have some notes written on the F clef have the notes written an octave lower in the F clef than they sound.

Note that this is not a 100% rule so you need to look at the score to see if this applies. In the score cited in this thread it applies to the horns and bass trumpet. It may apply to other instruments and I'm willing to help you if you run into problems figuring it out.

In reply to by marty strasinger

With Wagner I wouldn't expect it to happen with the bass Clarinet. Germans normally write Bass Clarinet on the bass (F) clef and use treble (G) clef to avoid ledger lines without changing transposition. I have seen cases, like "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" where they changed transposition but Dukas is French.

In this opera, I looked at the Bass Clarinet part and it looks look like the same transposition for all clefs. One clue that you may have the different transposition is that on the bass clef there will be few or no notes between middle C and the octave below it. Another clue is that notes at the bottom of the bass clef are red for being out of normal range. Neither of these is true in this opera.

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