Extra Lines

• Jan 29, 2021 - 20:46

I'm looking for a way to eliminate the extra lines at the end of the attached score.

Attachment Size
MuseScoreServing_The_Lord_In_Song.mscz 27.56 KB


They may indeed be the result of a bad MusicXML or bad import. Best to attach the original file then.

But, to get rid of them, yes, you need to find the lyrics they are actually attached to and delete those. I
think there seem to be invisible lyrics in measure 8 causing the problem. Click the "A" with no lyrics in that measure and press Ctrl+L and you'll see you're thrown down to verse 4. But I got a crash trying to eliminate just that.

Quick solution, select the last two beats of the measure and hit Delete, to remove both notes, Then reenter them.

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