Advanced Staff Properties menu will not resize so I can click "OK"

• Feb 10, 2021 - 17:10

In the latest version of MuseScore 3.6, I am attempting to place actual note names on each note in the song. I can do that by opening the Staff/Part Properties menu, then clicking the "Advanced Style Properties" tab. A new menu opens (see image below) and one choice I can have is to set the notes to "Pitch Names". Great! However, to take effect, I have to click an "OK" or "Apply" button at the bottom of the menu. Unfortunately, it is not visible (the menu is too big) (see image), but when I try to resize the menu by clicking at the very top of the menu and dragging down the arrow that appears, the entire Advanced Style Properties menu simply disappears. It just vanishes from the screen. Is this a bug?


I just discovered if I press the "Enter" key on my computer, the effect WILL be applied. It doesn't fix the disappearing menu problem, but it is a work-around.

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