Full score repeats and playback

• Mar 30, 2021 - 15:07

Hi All,

I have a short and simple four-section piece for two instruments that I wish to be repeated in full before ending. The first three sections are marked to be themeselves repeated, but the last is not. As an aural fiddler with limited sight-reading skill, my music theory knowledge is sadly lacking, so I really don't have a clue what players would look for in a score to achieve this. By trial and error I’ve got this far...

  1. Final bar (46) marked with a ‘Coda’
  2. Penultimate bar (45) marked with ‘DC al Coda’
  3. Bar prior (44) marked ‘To Coda’

The auto-playback in Musescore goes through the piece as written and when it gets to bar 45 returns to the very beginning of a short introduction and starts again, just as I want it to. It then plays through the whole piece again, but ignoring all section repeats, until it reaches bar 44, when, again as expected, it jumps to the last bar and ends.

Can someone kindly explain what marks I should add for it to do all this but also play the intermediate repeats, please?

I realise that players can always choose for themselves whether to play repeats or not, but it would nice to have the auto-playback and exported mp3 play it all too

If there’s some convention, perhaps, that full re-runs will normally exclude section repeats and so the program is merely complying with that, that would be good to know for sure too, but I can’t see the logic in that as a general expectation so I hope it’s just a matter of my not knowing how to correctly notate. The only other cause I can imagine is that, Heaven forfend, Musecore isn’t yet coded to make this possible.

Musecore has opened-up a long-yearned-for opportunity for people like me to explore their (albeit limited) musical imaginations, so all due thanks to its developers and promoters for giving us this wonderful straightforward and mostly intuitive tool.

In gratefull anticipation,


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks jojo, the jump instruction has done the trick. Easy when you know how!

Because the final two bars (measures) include mutually exclusive content (as you might have for repeated sections) when I first tried just DC on the last bar it played straight through both bars before repeating all. I then tried DC on the penultimate bar, but this played straight through both on the re-run. I'd also tried a repeat bar line between them, but it then just jumped to the begining of the third section. Aargh!!

All good now, so hope this will be of use to others.

Much obliged,

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