Buttons, options, and tolls so small(?)

• May 21, 2021 - 07:31

Hi, Friends: I've have screen resolution issue. My Screen recommending 1360x768 . When I want use it, the program (Musescore) open as the image below: buttons, options and even sheet extreme smalls.
Time ago, I asked that topic, but I did not definitively resolve it.


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Bad REspng.png 69.43 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Dude, really that is your "help".
1) The another topic was 2020 ...
2) The answer DIDNT HELP ME.
I prefered writte a new topic.

About the another topic, if you requere reasons mine.
What kind support is say:
"So you're saying it wasn't as small before? No OS updates? No different monitors/screens?"
If any of this situations were important, I'd wriited.
Then, continue: "Either try resetting to factory defaults or provide your screen DPI using the -D dpi command line argument"
Excuse me, but: WHAT???
Why you supossed I'd understand that expression? "DPI"?

Respectively: That doesn't help, buddy. Some of us are less technical and need more information and guidance, not just "text ".
The true is: Since 2020, dnot receive help I neccesary for my problem, then I prefered write again on a topic dont resolve yet.

In reply to by vicentecamus2872

Detailed description:

full formula:
sqrt (sqrX + sqrY) / inch-value of the screen = nnn

You know at least two of the required values: x=1360 and y=768.
The calculation result for the x and y values ​​of your screen will be: sqrt (sqr1360 + sqr768) = 1561.865551191907.
let's call it: 1561.87.

You also need to know the diagonal inch value of your screen.

Now you need to divide this value by how many inches your screen is.
for example: if your screen is 14 inches: 1561.87 / 14 = 111.5621428571429. In this case, 111.56 value will do the trick.

your action: 1561.87 / inch-value of your screen = nnn

Possible nnn values ​​for 1360x768 display:
For 10 inch: 156.187
For 11 inch: 142.18
For 12 inch: 130.156
For 13 inch: 120.144
For 14 inch: 111.56

Right click on the Musescore icon on your desktop and select Properties from the pop-up menu. In the newly opened window, at the end of the "Target:" entry, add a space after the existing text and type -D nnn
// nnn = the number you will find as a result of the division you did above, or one of the numbers given in "Possible nnn values".

It looks like this:
"C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\bin\MuseScore3.exe" -D 111.56

PS: Don't use the recommended Scale and Layout settings on Win10, use 100% instead. This dpi trick may not work if you have changed this value to a (recommended) value such as 125% or 150%.

A simple trial and error method:

start with 200 (or higher) for the dpi value and try decreasing by 10 values each time: -D 200, -D 190, -D 180, ... etc.
One of the values will work for you (as an average value, although not exact).

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