Trill with accidental "on the line"

• Jul 24, 2021 - 01:26

This trill is from an edition published by Oxford University Press in 1925. I have never seen this notation used, with the accidental positioned right on the trill line. Does anyone know what this notation means, in a violin part?

And how should it best be represented in a more conventional way?

I have read "How to create trills and ornaments with accidentals (and playback)" :
but it doesn't cover this specific case where the accidental is positioned on the trill line (neither above nor below).


This doesn't answer the question, but neither have I - maybe they were being cocky over there in "Oggsford"? Probably it is the equivalent to the sharp being above or to the right of the tr symbol.

In reply to by olivo

Yes, that is how a trill with an accidental is played if it is notated with the accidental above or immediately to the right of the tr. But the question being asked by the OP is "what does an accidental within the wavy trill line mean?" My best guess is that the sharp should have been been placed immediately after the tr and obscuring the start of the wavy line, but it slipped to the right during printing.

In reply to by SteveBlower

At this point I have to intervene and offer my apologies for wasting everyone's time. The answer is plain in the full score (i.e. violin + piano) for this work:

Trill with sharp above line.png

I can only assume that the (OUP!) engraver decided to save vertical space in order to fit more systems onto this page in the solo violin part. In any case, I can now confidently use "sharp above the trill line" as usual.

Thank you to all those who responded!

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